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ffmpeg在做音视频编解码时非常方便,所以很多场景下转码使用的是ffmpeg,铜鼓通过ffmpeg -help命令操作可以看到ffmpeg常见的命令大概分为六部分:

  1. ffmpeg信息查询部分
  2. 公共做操参数部分
  3. 文件主要操作参数部分
  4. 视频操作参数部分
  5. 音频操作参数部分
  6. 字幕操作参数部分
    ffmpeg信息查询部分主要参数:ffmpeg.exe -h
ffmpeg version 4.0.2 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers  built with gcc 7.3.1 (GCC) 20180722  configuration: --disable-static --enable-shared --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-sdl2 --enable-bzlib --enable-fontconfig --enable-gnutls --enable-iconv --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libzimg --enable-lzma --enable-zlib --enable-gmp --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libmysofa --enable-libspeex --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libmfx --enable-amf --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuvid --enable-d3d11va --enable-nvenc --enable-nvdec --enable-dxva2 --enable-avisynth  libavutil      56. 14.100 / 56. 14.100  libavcodec     58. 18.100 / 58. 18.100  libavformat    58. 12.100 / 58. 12.100  libavdevice    58.  3.100 / 58.  3.100  libavfilter     7. 16.100 /  7. 16.100  libswscale      5.  1.100 /  5.  1.100  libswresample   3.  1.100 /  3.  1.100  libpostproc    55.  1.100 / 55.  1.100Hyper fast Audio and Video encoderusage: ffmpeg [options] [[infile options] -i infile]... {
[outfile options] outfile}...Getting help: -h -- print basic options -h long -- print more options -h full -- print all options (including all format and codec specific options, very long) -h type=name -- print all options for the named decoder/encoder/demuxer/muxer/filter/bsf See man ffmpeg for detailed description of the options.Print help / information / capabilities:-L show license-h topic show help-? topic show help-help topic show help--help topic show help-version show version-buildconf show build configuration-formats show available formats-muxers show available muxers-demuxers show available demuxers-devices show available devices-codecs show available codecs-decoders show available decoders-encoders show available encoders-bsfs show available bit stream filters-protocols show available protocols-filters show available filters-pix_fmts show available pixel formats-layouts show standard channel layouts-sample_fmts show available audio sample formats-colors show available color names-sources device list sources of the input device-sinks device list sinks of the output device-hwaccels show available HW acceleration methodsGlobal options (affect whole program instead of just one file:-loglevel loglevel set logging level-v loglevel set logging level-report generate a report-max_alloc bytes set maximum size of a single allocated block-y overwrite output files-n never overwrite output files-ignore_unknown Ignore unknown stream types-filter_threads number of non-complex filter threads-filter_complex_threads number of threads for -filter_complex-stats print progress report during encoding-max_error_rate maximum error rate ratio of errors (0.0: no errors, 1.0: 100% errors) above which ffmpeg returns an error instead of success.-bits_per_raw_sample number set the number of bits per raw sample-vol volume change audio volume (256=normal)Per-file main options:-f fmt force format-c codec codec name-codec codec codec name-pre preset preset name-map_metadata outfile[,metadata]:infile[,metadata] set metadata information of outfile from infile-t duration record or transcode "duration" seconds of audio/video-to time_stop record or transcode stop time-fs limit_size set the limit file size in bytes-ss time_off set the start time offset-sseof time_off set the start time offset relative to EOF-seek_timestamp enable/disable seeking by timestamp with -ss-timestamp time set the recording timestamp ('now' to set the current time)-metadata string=string add metadata-program title=string:st=number... add program with specified streams-target type specify target file type ("vcd", "svcd", "dvd", "dv" or "dv50" with optional prefixes "pal-", "ntsc-" or "film-")-apad audio pad-frames number set the number of frames to output-filter filter_graph set stream filtergraph-filter_script filename read stream filtergraph description from a file-reinit_filter reinit filtergraph on input parameter changes-discard discard-disposition dispositionVideo options:-vframes number set the number of video frames to output-r rate set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation)-s size set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)-aspect aspect set aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9 or 1.3333, 1.7777)-bits_per_raw_sample number set the number of bits per raw sample-vn disable video-vcodec codec force video codec ('copy' to copy stream)-timecode hh:mm:ss[:;.]ff set initial TimeCode value.-pass n select the pass number (1 to 3)-vf filter_graph set video filters-ab bitrate audio bitrate (please use -b:a)-b bitrate video bitrate (please use -b:v)-dn disable dataAudio options:-aframes number set the number of audio frames to output-aq quality set audio quality (codec-specific)-ar rate set audio sampling rate (in Hz)-ac channels set number of audio channels-an disable audio-acodec codec force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream)-vol volume change audio volume (256=normal)-af filter_graph set audio filtersSubtitle options:-s size set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)-sn disable subtitle-scodec codec force subtitle codec ('copy' to copy stream)-stag fourcc/tag force subtitle tag/fourcc-fix_sub_duration fix subtitles duration-canvas_size size set canvas size (WxH or abbreviation)-spre preset set the subtitle options to the indicated preset


其中通过ffmpeg -h查看到的help信息是基础的信息,如果想获得高级参数部分,可以通过使用

ffmpeg -h long参数来查看,如果希望获得全部的帮助信息,可以同过使用ffmpeg -h full参数来获得。
ffmpeg -h full部分内容,总内容有1万多行,以下为部分节选内容:


AVCodecContext AVOptions:  -b                 
E..VA.... set bitrate (in bits/s) (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 200000) -ab
E...A.... set bitrate (in bits/s) (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 128000) -bt
E..V..... Set video bitrate tolerance (in bits/s). In 1-pass mode, bitrate tolerance specifies how far ratecontrol is willing to deviate from the target average bitrate value. This is not related to minimum/maximum bitrate. Lowering tolerance too much has an adverse effect on quality. (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 4e+06) -flags
ED.VAS... (default 0) unaligned .D.V..... allow decoders to produce unaligned output mv4 E..V..... use four motion vectors per macroblock (MPEG-4) qpel E..V..... use 1/4-pel motion compensation loop E..V..... use loop filter gray ED.V..... only decode/encode grayscale psnr E..V..... error[?] variables will be set during encoding truncated .D.V..... Input bitstream might be randomly truncated ildct E..V..... use interlaced DCT low_delay ED.V..... force low delay global_header E..VA.... place global headers in extradata instead of every keyframe bitexact ED.VAS... use only bitexact functions (except (I)DCT) aic E..V..... H.263 advanced intra coding / MPEG-4 AC prediction ilme E..V..... interlaced motion estimation cgop E..V..... closed GOP output_corrupt .D.V..... Output even potentially corrupted frames -g
E..V..... set the group of picture (GOP) size (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 12) -ar
ED..A.... set audio sampling rate (in Hz) (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0) -ac
ED..A.... set number of audio channels (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0) -cutoff
E...A.... set cutoff bandwidth (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -frame_size
E...A.... (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0) -qcomp
E..V..... video quantizer scale compression (VBR). Constant of ratecontrol equation. Recommended range for default rc_eq: 0.0-1.0 (from -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX) (default 0.5) -qblur
E..V..... video quantizer scale blur (VBR) (from -1 to FLT_MAX) (default 0.5) -qmin
E..V..... minimum video quantizer scale (VBR) (from -1 to 69) (default 2) -qmax
E..V..... maximum video quantizer scale (VBR) (from -1 to 1024) (default 31) -qdiff
E..V..... maximum difference between the quantizer scales (VBR) (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 3) -bf
E..V..... set maximum number of B-frames between non-B-frames (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default 0) -b_qfactor
E..V..... QP factor between P- and B-frames (from -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX) (default 1.25) -b_strategy
E..V..... strategy to choose between I/P/B-frames (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -ps
E..V..... RTP payload size in bytes (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -bug
.D.V..... work around not autodetected encoder bugs (default autodetect) autodetect .D.V..... xvid_ilace .D.V..... Xvid interlacing bug (autodetected if FOURCC == XVIX) ump4 .D.V..... (autodetected if FOURCC == UMP4) no_padding .D.V..... padding bug (autodetected) amv .D.V..... qpel_chroma .D.V..... std_qpel .D.V..... old standard qpel (autodetected per FOURCC/version) qpel_chroma2 .D.V..... direct_blocksize .D.V..... direct-qpel-blocksize bug (autodetected per FOURCC/version) edge .D.V..... edge padding bug (autodetected per FOURCC/version) hpel_chroma .D.V..... dc_clip .D.V..... ms .D.V..... work around various bugs in Microsoft's broken decoders trunc .D.V..... truncated frames iedge .D.V..... -strict
ED.VA.... how strictly to follow the standards (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default normal) very ED.VA.... strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software strict ED.VA.... strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what the consequences normal ED.VA.... unofficial ED.VA.... allow unofficial extensions experimental ED.VA.... allow non-standardized experimental things -b_qoffset
E..V..... QP offset between P- and B-frames (from -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX) (default 1.25) -err_detect
.D.VA.... set error detection flags (default 0) crccheck .D.VA.... verify embedded CRCs bitstream .D.VA.... detect bitstream specification deviations buffer .D.VA.... detect improper bitstream length explode .D.VA.... abort decoding on minor error detection ignore_err .D.VA.... ignore errors careful .D.VA.... consider things that violate the spec, are fast to check and have not been seen in the wild as errors compliant .D.VA.... consider all spec non compliancies as errors aggressive .D.VA.... consider things that a sane encoder should not do as an error -mpeg_quant
E..V..... use MPEG quantizers instead of H.263 (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -maxrate
E..VA.... maximum bitrate (in bits/s). Used for VBV together with bufsize. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0) -minrate
E..VA.... minimum bitrate (in bits/s). Most useful in setting up a CBR encode. It is of little use otherwise. (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -bufsize
E..VA.... set ratecontrol buffer size (in bits) (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -i_qfactor
E..V..... QP factor between P- and I-frames (from -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX) (default -0.8) -i_qoffset
E..V..... QP offset between P- and I-frames (from -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX) (default 0) -dct
E..V..... DCT algorithm (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default auto) auto E..V..... autoselect a good one fastint E..V..... fast integer int E..V..... accurate integer mmx E..V..... altivec E..V..... faan E..V..... floating point AAN DCT -lumi_mask
E..V..... compresses bright areas stronger than medium ones (from -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX) (default 0) -tcplx_mask
E..V..... temporal complexity masking (from -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX) (default 0) -scplx_mask
E..V..... spatial complexity masking (from -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX) (default 0) -p_mask
E..V..... inter masking (from -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX) (default 0) -dark_mask
E..V..... compresses dark areas stronger than medium ones (from -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX) (default 0) -idct
ED.V..... select IDCT implementation (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default auto) auto ED.V..... int ED.V..... simple ED.V..... simplemmx ED.V..... arm ED.V..... altivec ED.V..... simplearm ED.V..... simplearmv5te ED.V..... simplearmv6 ED.V..... simpleneon ED.V..... xvid ED.V..... xvidmmx ED.V..... deprecated, for compatibility only faani ED.V..... floating point AAN IDCT simpleauto ED.V..... -ec
.D.V..... set error concealment strategy (default guess_mvs+deblock) guess_mvs .D.V..... iterative motion vector (MV) search (slow) deblock .D.V..... use strong deblock filter for damaged MBs favor_inter .D.V..... favor predicting from the previous frame -pred
E..V..... prediction method (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default left) left E..V..... plane E..V..... median E..V..... -aspect
E..V..... sample aspect ratio (from 0 to 10) (default 0/1) -sar
E..V..... sample aspect ratio (from 0 to 10) (default 0/1) -debug
ED.VAS... print specific debug info (default 0) pict .D.V..... picture info rc E..V..... rate control bitstream .D.V..... mb_type .D.V..... macroblock (MB) type qp .D.V..... per-block quantization parameter (QP) dct_coeff .D.V..... green_metadata .D.V..... skip .D.V..... startcode .D.V..... er .D.V..... error recognition mmco .D.V..... memory management control operations (H.264) bugs .D.V..... buffers .D.V..... picture buffer allocations thread_ops .D.VA.... threading operations nomc .D.VA.... skip motion compensation -cmp
E..V..... full-pel ME compare function (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default sad) sad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, fast sse E..V..... sum of squared errors satd E..V..... sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences dct E..V..... sum of absolute DCT transformed differences psnr E..V..... sum of squared quantization errors (avoid, low quality) bit E..V..... number of bits needed for the block rd E..V..... rate distortion optimal, slow zero E..V..... 0 vsad E..V..... sum of absolute vertical differences vsse E..V..... sum of squared vertical differences nsse E..V..... noise preserving sum of squared differences w53 E..V..... 5/3 wavelet, only used in snow w97 E..V..... 9/7 wavelet, only used in snow dctmax E..V..... chroma E..V..... msad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, median predicted -subcmp
E..V..... sub-pel ME compare function (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default sad) sad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, fast sse E..V..... sum of squared errors satd E..V..... sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences dct E..V..... sum of absolute DCT transformed differences psnr E..V..... sum of squared quantization errors (avoid, low quality) bit E..V..... number of bits needed for the block rd E..V..... rate distortion optimal, slow zero E..V..... 0 vsad E..V..... sum of absolute vertical differences vsse E..V..... sum of squared vertical differences nsse E..V..... noise preserving sum of squared differences w53 E..V..... 5/3 wavelet, only used in snow w97 E..V..... 9/7 wavelet, only used in snow dctmax E..V..... chroma E..V..... msad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, median predicted -mbcmp
E..V..... macroblock compare function (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default sad) sad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, fast sse E..V..... sum of squared errors satd E..V..... sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences dct E..V..... sum of absolute DCT transformed differences psnr E..V..... sum of squared quantization errors (avoid, low quality) bit E..V..... number of bits needed for the block rd E..V..... rate distortion optimal, slow zero E..V..... 0 vsad E..V..... sum of absolute vertical differences vsse E..V..... sum of squared vertical differences nsse E..V..... noise preserving sum of squared differences w53 E..V..... 5/3 wavelet, only used in snow w97 E..V..... 9/7 wavelet, only used in snow dctmax E..V..... chroma E..V..... msad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, median predicted -ildctcmp
E..V..... interlaced DCT compare function (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default vsad) sad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, fast sse E..V..... sum of squared errors satd E..V..... sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences dct E..V..... sum of absolute DCT transformed differences psnr E..V..... sum of squared quantization errors (avoid, low quality) bit E..V..... number of bits needed for the block rd E..V..... rate distortion optimal, slow zero E..V..... 0 vsad E..V..... sum of absolute vertical differences vsse E..V..... sum of squared vertical differences nsse E..V..... noise preserving sum of squared differences w53 E..V..... 5/3 wavelet, only used in snow w97 E..V..... 9/7 wavelet, only used in snow dctmax E..V..... chroma E..V..... msad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, median predicted -dia_size
E..V..... diamond type & size for motion estimation (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -last_pred
E..V..... amount of motion predictors from the previous frame (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -preme
E..V..... pre motion estimation (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -precmp
E..V..... pre motion estimation compare function (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default sad) sad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, fast sse E..V..... sum of squared errors satd E..V..... sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences dct E..V..... sum of absolute DCT transformed differences psnr E..V..... sum of squared quantization errors (avoid, low quality) bit E..V..... number of bits needed for the block rd E..V..... rate distortion optimal, slow zero E..V..... 0 vsad E..V..... sum of absolute vertical differences vsse E..V..... sum of squared vertical differences nsse E..V..... noise preserving sum of squared differences w53 E..V..... 5/3 wavelet, only used in snow w97 E..V..... 9/7 wavelet, only used in snow dctmax E..V..... chroma E..V..... msad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, median predicted -pre_dia_size
E..V..... diamond type & size for motion estimation pre-pass (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -subq
E..V..... sub-pel motion estimation quality (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 8) -me_range
E..V..... limit motion vectors range (1023 for DivX player) (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -global_quality
E..VA.... (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -coder
E..V..... (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default vlc) vlc E..V..... variable length coder / Huffman coder ac E..V..... arithmetic coder raw E..V..... raw (no encoding) rle E..V..... run-length coder -context
E..V..... context model (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -mbd
E..V..... macroblock decision algorithm (high quality mode) (from 0 to 2) (default simple) simple E..V..... use mbcmp bits E..V..... use fewest bits rd E..V..... use best rate distortion -sc_threshold
E..V..... scene change threshold (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -nr
E..V..... noise reduction (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -rc_init_occupancy
E..V..... number of bits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before decoding starts (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -flags2
ED.VA.... (default 0) fast E..V..... allow non-spec-compliant speedup tricks noout E..V..... skip bitstream encoding ignorecrop .D.V..... ignore cropping information from sps local_header E..V..... place global headers at every keyframe instead of in extradata chunks .D.V..... Frame data might be split into multiple chunks showall .D.V..... Show all frames before the first keyframe export_mvs .D.V..... export motion vectors through frame side data skip_manual .D.V..... do not skip samples and export skip information as frame side data ass_ro_flush_noop .D...S... do not reset ASS ReadOrder field on flush -threads
ED.VA.... set the number of threads (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 1) auto ED.V..... autodetect a suitable number of threads to use -dc
E..V..... intra_dc_precision (from -8 to 16) (default 0) -nssew
E..V..... nsse weight (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 8) -skip_top
.D.V..... number of macroblock rows at the top which are skipped (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -skip_bottom
.D.V..... number of macroblock rows at the bottom which are skipped (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -profile
E..VA.... (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default unknown) unknown E..VA.... aac_main E...A.... aac_low E...A.... aac_ssr E...A.... aac_ltp E...A.... aac_he E...A.... aac_he_v2 E...A.... aac_ld E...A.... aac_eld E...A.... mpeg2_aac_low E...A.... mpeg2_aac_he E...A.... dts E...A.... dts_es E...A.... dts_96_24 E...A.... dts_hd_hra E...A.... dts_hd_ma E...A.... mpeg4_sp E..V..... mpeg4_core E..V..... mpeg4_main E..V..... mpeg4_asp E..V..... main10 E..V..... msbc E...A.... -level
E..VA.... (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default unknown) unknown E..VA.... -lowres
.D.VA.... decode at 1= 1/2, 2=1/4, 3=1/8 resolutions (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0) -skip_threshold
E..V..... frame skip threshold (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -skip_factor
E..V..... frame skip factor (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -skip_exp
E..V..... frame skip exponent (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -skipcmp
E..V..... frame skip compare function (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default dctmax) sad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, fast sse E..V..... sum of squared errors satd E..V..... sum of absolute Hadamard transformed differences dct E..V..... sum of absolute DCT transformed differences psnr E..V..... sum of squared quantization errors (avoid, low quality) bit E..V..... number of bits needed for the block rd E..V..... rate distortion optimal, slow zero E..V..... 0 vsad E..V..... sum of absolute vertical differences vsse E..V..... sum of squared vertical differences nsse E..V..... noise preserving sum of squared differences w53 E..V..... 5/3 wavelet, only used in snow w97 E..V..... 9/7 wavelet, only used in snow dctmax E..V..... chroma E..V..... msad E..V..... sum of absolute differences, median predicted -mblmin
E..V..... minimum macroblock Lagrange factor (VBR) (from 1 to 32767) (default 236) -mblmax
E..V..... maximum macroblock Lagrange factor (VBR) (from 1 to 32767) (default 3658) -mepc
E..V..... motion estimation bitrate penalty compensation (1.0 = 256) (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 256) -skip_loop_filter
.D.V..... skip loop filtering process for the selected frames (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default default) none .D.V..... discard no frame default .D.V..... discard useless frames noref .D.V..... discard all non-reference frames bidir .D.V..... discard all bidirectional frames nokey .D.V..... discard all frames except keyframes nointra .D.V..... discard all frames except I frames all .D.V..... discard all frames -skip_idct
.D.V..... skip IDCT/dequantization for the selected frames (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default default) none .D.V..... discard no frame default .D.V..... discard useless frames noref .D.V..... discard all non-reference frames bidir .D.V..... discard all bidirectional frames nokey .D.V..... discard all frames except keyframes nointra .D.V..... discard all frames except I frames all .D.V..... discard all frames -skip_frame
.D.V..... skip decoding for the selected frames (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default default) none .D.V..... discard no frame default .D.V..... discard useless frames noref .D.V..... discard all non-reference frames bidir .D.V..... discard all bidirectional frames nokey .D.V..... discard all frames except keyframes nointra .D.V..... discard all frames except I frames all .D.V..... discard all frames -bidir_refine
E..V..... refine the two motion vectors used in bidirectional macroblocks (from 0 to 4) (default 1) -brd_scale
E..V..... downscale frames for dynamic B-frame decision (from 0 to 10) (default 0) -keyint_min
E..V..... minimum interval between IDR-frames (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 25) -refs
E..V..... reference frames to consider for motion compensation (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 1) -chromaoffset
E..V..... chroma QP offset from luma (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -trellis
E..VA.... rate-distortion optimal quantization (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0) -mv0_threshold
E..V..... (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 256) -b_sensitivity
E..V..... adjust sensitivity of b_frame_strategy 1 (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 40) -compression_level
E..VA.... (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1) -min_prediction_order
E...A.... (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1) -max_prediction_order
E...A.... (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1) -timecode_frame_start
E..V..... GOP timecode frame start number, in non-drop-frame format (from -1 to I64_MAX) (default -1) -channel_layout
ED..A.... (from 0 to 1.84467e+19) (default 0) -request_channel_layout
.D..A.... (from 0 to 1.84467e+19) (default 0) -rc_max_vbv_use
E..V..... (from 0 to FLT_MAX) (default 0) -rc_min_vbv_use
E..V..... (from 0 to FLT_MAX) (default 3) -ticks_per_frame
ED.VA.... (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 1) -color_primaries
ED.V..... color primaries (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default unknown) bt709 ED.V..... BT.709 unknown ED.V..... Unspecified bt470m ED.V..... BT.470 M bt470bg ED.V..... BT.470 BG smpte170m ED.V..... SMPTE 170 M smpte240m ED.V..... SMPTE 240 M film ED.V..... Film bt2020 ED.V..... BT.2020 smpte428 ED.V..... SMPTE 428-1 smpte428_1 ED.V..... SMPTE 428-1 smpte431 ED.V..... SMPTE 431-2 smpte432 ED.V..... SMPTE 422-1 jedec-p22 ED.V..... JEDEC P22 unspecified ED.V..... Unspecified -color_trc
ED.V..... color transfer characteristics (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default unknown) bt709 ED.V..... BT.709 unknown ED.V..... Unspecified gamma22 ED.V..... BT.470 M gamma28 ED.V..... BT.470 BG smpte170m ED.V..... SMPTE 170 M smpte240m ED.V..... SMPTE 240 M linear ED.V..... Linear log100 ED.V..... Log log316 ED.V..... Log square root iec61966-2-4 ED.V..... IEC 61966-2-4 bt1361e ED.V..... BT.1361 iec61966-2-1 ED.V..... IEC 61966-2-1 bt2020-10 ED.V..... BT.2020 - 10 bit bt2020-12 ED.V..... BT.2020 - 12 bit smpte2084 ED.V..... SMPTE 2084 smpte428 ED.V..... SMPTE 428-1 arib-std-b67 ED.V..... ARIB STD-B67 unspecified ED.V..... Unspecified log ED.V..... Log log_sqrt ED.V..... Log square root iec61966_2_4 ED.V..... IEC 61966-2-4 bt1361 ED.V..... BT.1361 iec61966_2_1 ED.V..... IEC 61966-2-1 bt2020_10bit ED.V..... BT.2020 - 10 bit bt2020_12bit ED.V..... BT.2020 - 12 bit smpte428_1 ED.V..... SMPTE 428-1 -colorspace
ED.V..... color space (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default unknown) rgb ED.V..... RGB bt709 ED.V..... BT.709 unknown ED.V..... Unspecified fcc ED.V..... FCC bt470bg ED.V..... BT.470 BG smpte170m ED.V..... SMPTE 170 M smpte240m ED.V..... SMPTE 240 M ycgco ED.V..... YCGCO bt2020nc ED.V..... BT.2020 NCL bt2020c ED.V..... BT.2020 CL smpte2085 ED.V..... SMPTE 2085 unspecified ED.V..... Unspecified ycocg ED.V..... YCGCO bt2020_ncl ED.V..... BT.2020 NCL bt2020_cl ED.V..... BT.2020 CL -color_range
ED.V..... color range (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default unknown) unknown ED.V..... Unspecified tv ED.V..... MPEG (219*2^(n-8)) pc ED.V..... JPEG (2^n-1) unspecified ED.V..... Unspecified mpeg ED.V..... MPEG (219*2^(n-8)) jpeg ED.V..... JPEG (2^n-1) -chroma_sample_location
ED.V..... chroma sample location (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default unknown) unknown ED.V..... Unspecified left ED.V..... Left center ED.V..... Center topleft ED.V..... Top-left top ED.V..... Top bottomleft ED.V..... Bottom-left bottom ED.V..... Bottom unspecified ED.V..... Unspecified -slices
E..V..... set the number of slices, used in parallelized encoding (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0) -thread_type
ED.VA.... select multithreading type (default slice+frame) slice ED.V..... frame ED.V..... -audio_service_type
E...A.... audio service type (from 0 to 8) (default ma) ma E...A.... Main Audio Service ef E...A.... Effects vi E...A.... Visually Impaired hi E...A.... Hearing Impaired di E...A.... Dialogue co E...A.... Commentary em E...A.... Emergency vo E...A.... Voice Over ka E...A.... Karaoke -request_sample_fmt
.D..A.... sample format audio decoders should prefer (default none) -sub_charenc
.D...S... set input text subtitles character encoding -sub_charenc_mode
.D...S... set input text subtitles character encoding mode (default 0) do_nothing .D...S... auto .D...S... pre_decoder .D...S... ignore .D...S... -sub_text_format
.D...S... set decoded text subtitle format (from 0 to 1) (default ass_with_timings) ass .D...S... ass_with_timings .D...S... -refcounted_frames
.D.VA.... (default false) -side_data_only_packets
E..VA.... (default true) -apply_cropping
.D.V..... (default true) -skip_alpha
.D.V..... Skip processing alpha (default false) -field_order
ED.V..... Field order (from 0 to 5) (default 0) progressive ED.V..... tt ED.V..... bb ED.V..... tb ED.V..... bt ED.V..... -dump_separator
ED.VAS... set information dump field separator -codec_whitelist
.D.VAS... List of decoders that are allowed to be used -max_pixels
ED.VAS... Maximum number of pixels (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default INT_MAX) -hwaccel_flags
.D.V..... (default ignore_level) ignore_level .D.V..... ignore level even if the codec level used is unknown or higher than the maximum supported level reported by the hardware driver allow_high_depth .D.V..... allow to output YUV pixel formats with a different chroma sampling than 4:2:0 and/or other than 8 bits per component allow_profile_mismatch .D.V..... attempt to decode anyway if HW accelerated decoder's supported profiles do not exactly match the stream -extra_hw_frames
.D.V..... Number of extra hardware frames to allocate for the user (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)

AAC encoder相关

AAC encoder AVOptions:  -aac_coder         
E...A.... Coding algorithm (from 0 to 2) (default fast) anmr E...A.... ANMR method twoloop E...A.... Two loop searching method fast E...A.... Default fast search -aac_ms
E...A.... Force M/S stereo coding (default auto) -aac_is
E...A.... Intensity stereo coding (default true) -aac_pns
E...A.... Perceptual noise substitution (default true) -aac_tns
E...A.... Temporal noise shaping (default true) -aac_ltp
E...A.... Long term prediction (default false) -aac_pred
E...A.... AAC-Main prediction (default false) -aac_pce
E...A.... Forces the use of PCEs (default false)

libmp3lame encoder 相关

libmp3lame encoder AVOptions:  -reservoir         
E...A.... use bit reservoir (default true) -joint_stereo
E...A.... use joint stereo (default true) -abr
E...A.... use ABR (default false)


libx264 AVOptions:  -preset            
E..V..... Set the encoding preset (cf. x264 --fullhelp) (default "medium") -tune
E..V..... Tune the encoding params (cf. x264 --fullhelp) -profile
E..V..... Set profile restrictions (cf. x264 --fullhelp) -fastfirstpass
E..V..... Use fast settings when encoding first pass (default true) -level
E..V..... Specify level (as defined by Annex A) -passlogfile
E..V..... Filename for 2 pass stats -wpredp
E..V..... Weighted prediction for P-frames -a53cc
E..V..... Use A53 Closed Captions (if available) (default true) -x264opts
E..V..... x264 options -crf
E..V..... Select the quality for constant quality mode (from -1 to FLT_MAX) (default -1) -crf_max
E..V..... In CRF mode, prevents VBV from lowering quality beyond this point. (from -1 to FLT_MAX) (default -1) -qp
E..V..... Constant quantization parameter rate control method (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1) -aq-mode
E..V..... AQ method (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1) none E..V..... variance E..V..... Variance AQ (complexity mask) autovariance E..V..... Auto-variance AQ autovariance-biased E..V..... Auto-variance AQ with bias to dark scenes -aq-strength
E..V..... AQ strength. Reduces blocking and blurring in flat and textured areas. (from -1 to FLT_MAX) (default -1) -psy
E..V..... Use psychovisual optimizations. (default auto) -psy-rd
E..V..... Strength of psychovisual optimization, in
format. -rc-lookahead
E..V..... Number of frames to look ahead for frametype and ratecontrol (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1) -weightb
E..V..... Weighted prediction for B-frames. (default auto) -weightp
E..V..... Weighted prediction analysis method. (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1) none E..V..... simple E..V..... smart E..V..... -ssim
E..V..... Calculate and print SSIM stats. (default auto) -intra-refresh
E..V..... Use Periodic Intra Refresh instead of IDR frames. (default auto) -bluray-compat
E..V..... Bluray compatibility workarounds. (default auto) -b-bias
E..V..... Influences how often B-frames are used (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default INT_MIN) -b-pyramid
E..V..... Keep some B-frames as references. (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1) none E..V..... strict E..V..... Strictly hierarchical pyramid normal E..V..... Non-strict (not Blu-ray compatible) -mixed-refs
E..V..... One reference per partition, as opposed to one reference per macroblock (default auto) -8x8dct
E..V..... High profile 8x8 transform. (default auto) -fast-pskip
E..V..... (default auto) -aud
E..V..... Use access unit delimiters. (default auto) -mbtree
E..V..... Use macroblock tree ratecontrol. (default auto) -deblock
E..V..... Loop filter parameters, in
form. -cplxblur
E..V..... Reduce fluctuations in QP (before curve compression) (from -1 to FLT_MAX) (default -1) -partitions
E..V..... A comma-separated list of partitions to consider. Possible values: p8x8, p4x4, b8x8, i8x8, i4x4, none, all -direct-pred
E..V..... Direct MV prediction mode (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1) none E..V..... spatial E..V..... temporal E..V..... auto E..V..... -slice-max-size
E..V..... Limit the size of each slice in bytes (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1) -stats
E..V..... Filename for 2 pass stats -nal-hrd
E..V..... Signal HRD information (requires vbv-bufsize; cbr not allowed in .mp4) (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1) none E..V..... vbr E..V..... cbr E..V..... -avcintra-class
E..V..... AVC-Intra class 50/100/200 (from -1 to 200) (default -1) -me_method
E..V..... Set motion estimation method (from -1 to 4) (default -1) dia E..V..... hex E..V..... umh E..V..... esa E..V..... tesa E..V..... -motion-est
E..V..... Set motion estimation method (from -1 to 4) (default -1) dia E..V..... hex E..V..... umh E..V..... esa E..V..... tesa E..V..... -forced-idr
E..V..... If forcing keyframes, force them as IDR frames. (default false) -coder
E..V..... Coder type (from -1 to 1) (default default) default E..V..... cavlc E..V..... cabac E..V..... vlc E..V..... ac E..V..... -b_strategy
E..V..... Strategy to choose between I/P/B-frames (from -1 to 2) (default -1) -chromaoffset
E..V..... QP difference between chroma and luma (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1) -sc_threshold
E..V..... Scene change threshold (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1) -noise_reduction
E..V..... Noise reduction (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1) -x264-params
E..V..... Override the x264 configuration using a :-separated list of key=value parameters


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